You asked for it!
Well, IanA asked for it and no one was like “power rankings suck,” because if they did I probably wouldn’t do power rankings. You know what, if you actually read this post lmk because now that I’ve started typing I have a sneaking suspicion that only Amunrud is eagerly awaiting these.
But hey, we’re heading into Week 2. There’s only one week of data, everyone has hamstring issue, and somehow you expect me to have an assessment on ranking our league. You know what? Fine, I will. These power rankings are determined by a metric more powerful than any player on the field: the power of your leaguemates. People will trend up and down from here, but let me tell you, these rankings are legit and are scientific. It’s a fact per source.
The Peoples-Jones Champ - @chasenrogers . It’s literally the team name. This team is the champion of the people and there is nothing more powerful than that. It’s a team that has faced an uphill battle since our inaugural season and both in and out of fantasy, they continue to be a fan-favorite for all involved. The people love the humor, the content, the encouragement, and the underdog story. Truly truly a powerful team when it comes to the love of its peers. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Team Hariseldon - @gbhart . This team quietly minds its own business across the sea, but that’s what makes any contact with them so mysterious and thrilling. It’s like an unexpected present when G. B. Hart chimes in and I know I’m not the only one that feels that way. I think there is a particular sympathy after last year’s terrible Luck…errr situation which makes this team a desirable winner in so many of our Harts errr thoughts. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Skip Week Mike - @PaulDawg . This team is always showing the haters what’s up and I think the haters respect that immensely. The opinions come from out of nowhere and the content we get when those thoughts are shared is top-quality entertainment. This team follows the beat of its own drum and does not care what the masses would say is “tactical” or “strategic.” Rather, this team unashamedly follows its heart. Honestly it’s the best way to play and I know that they are a relational pillar in the league which displays a great deal of power. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Team aventura - @ventura . Speaking of teams that don’t care about mass (fantasy) opinion, this team doesn’t EVEN follow the beat of a drum. Take THAT all you cookie cutter, data-driven, emotionally invested individuals. This team couldn’t care less about so many of the things that go through others’ minds. If they want extra kickers or 3rd string QBs it’s gonna happen and there’s nothing anyone else can do about it. And that one time one of those kickers becomes #1 in the league or the QB gets the starting role, this team looks like a true genius, because really that was the plan all along. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Run CMC - @Alex . Always up for a conversation, this team is here for the weekly shenanigans and is appreciated because of it. The opinions are out in the open on #gameday, you can’t miss them and that openness of thought gives this team foundational strength. And it’s not just #gameday, it’s all the topics, the vg’s, the politics, the food & bev, it’s all there people. Stay true Run CMC and keep doing you. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Jujubes - @awmelman . Nice guy. Not really any problems and a notable increase of activity in the chats… is this the result of marriage? Could be. Or maybe it’s the beginning of a major power move. OooO suddenly I’m suspicious. What could this team be plotting and how does it relate to the Bolshevik split from the Menshivek faction in 1898? (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Fresh Prince of Helaire - @ianamunrud . This team is the epitome of the famous philosophical saying, “it’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for 'em.” And there is a great fandom for a team that deploys bold strategies. No boring moments here. Go big or go home (with picks) and frankly it all makes a lot of sense. Watch out people, this team’s for sure trending up. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Team jonathandcook - @jonathan . The first team to ever claim the title of JACKMAN Champion, this team has experienced all of the highs and lows of fantasy football. I guess that makes them one of the most relatable teams out there. And who doesn’t love that Cam Newton loyalty? Pretty convenient he ended up at one of this owner’s favorite 12 teams
But also respect, because if there is data to be captured, modeled, picked apart and put back together, then this is the team that will do it. And we all need that team in our lives. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
Team Stonks - @mikeastock . The reigning champ powered by Russell Wilson and Davante Adams - his 9th and 14th round picks in our inaugural draft back in 2014. What an adventure! What ambition to claim the title last year! What dedication to keep showing up to BBW day despite all the factors working against them. It’s all really impressive. We’re all quite impressed. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)
TEAM DYNASTY - @IanC . People are sick of this team. But I am never going to stop because the Pokemon theme song is stuck in my head right now. Or at least that very first line about being the very best, because now that I’ve typed all these sentences I’m realizing that the rest of that song doesn’t really apply in a fantasy football sense. Sucks. (Previous Ranking: n/a. Trending: n/a)